
The Next Stage of Life : Further Education


Most of my friends have already entered their new sections of life, university (uuu). It is quite breathtaking (not sure if it is a suitable adjective but who cares) to learn that I, too, will be joining them in a few weeks from now. Well for those who is questioning bout where will I pursue my next stage of edu, it will be at .... *drumroll*

MARA Ketengah International College!

Before that, *whispers* sorry for the terrible grammar. IKR, staying home doing nothing, barely polishing my English skills is so so so disappointing! Anyway, buat guys yang taktau lagi, sorry hihi, I baru tau pasal ni. Tu pun mama I yang bagitau, "Result MARA dah keluar!" and I was like, lari ke dapur ke depan masuk bilik keluar bilik lompat atas sofa then amik phone balik (tipu tipu tipu) and she said that I've nailed it! Alhamdulillah, I feel relieved yet grateful at the same time. So much ni'mats from Him but so little of deeds I've done. Allah, forgive me.

Before this, aku dah seakan-akan penat menunggu result MARA and dah reda-seredanyaaaaaa kemasukan aku ke UIA (Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia) kos senibina. Lagipun tu kan first choice eheh. Siap dah fikir acane nak deko dorm, acane nak survive TaWe (Taaruf Week) there and so on. But, Wallahualam. Dia lagi tau apa yang aku dan parents aku nak. Dia dengar doa ibu bapa aku, Dia dengar doa aku yang jahil lagi berdosa ni. Alhamdulillah.

Also known as Centre of Foundation Studies, IIUM (CFS IIUM) Petaling Jaya

Andddddd now I am counting days to take off to Terengganu, while relaxing at home, bored to death. And to make sure I am not that dead, I decide to study some of the subjects I'll learn soon such as Maths, and already messed my head up! Nasiblah. Better now then later. And I have Sis Hidayah from MKIC to generously give me some guides eeheh. 

Bila dah masuk tempat baru aku update lagi ya! Toodles! Assalammualaikum.

Poise & Grace,
Nur Rasyidah,
Future Architect (in shaa Allah)

nur rasyidah abdullah

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